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Celebrating Melissa Cowles, MGA Homecare’s Caregiver of the Year 2023

We are thrilled to announce that Melissa Cowles, a Registered Nurse from San Antonio, Texas, has been honored as MGA Homecare’s Caregiver of the Year for 2023! Melissa’s dedication, compassion, and exceptional nursing skills have made a significant impact on her patients and their families, earning her this well-deserved recognition.

Melissa’s nursing career spans an impressive 20 years, beginning as a Kidney and Liver Transplant nurse. Over the next two decades, she has honed her expertise in various fields, including Hematology, Oncology, and Bone Marrow Transplant with pediatrics, before transitioning to substitute school nursing. Her journey led her to MGA Homecare in October 2022, where she has flourished for the past year and seven months.

Reflecting on her career path, Melissa shares, “My goal in my nursing career now is to be close to home and have the flexibility to be with my kids when needed.” This balance of professional commitment and personal life underscores her dedication to providing exceptional care while nurturing her family.

Outside of her demanding nursing role, Melissa enjoys engaging in activities with her children and extended family. Whether camping, kayaking, exploring new places, or going on road trips, she treasures these moments of togetherness. A fun fact about Melissa is that she speaks Korean, a skill she plans to revive during an upcoming trip to Korea with her children to immerse them in their cultural heritage.

Melissa’s passion for caregiving is deeply rooted in her upbringing. “I grew up taking care of family so that just transferred to nursing very well,” she explains. Her confidence in her nursing skills, coupled with a love for patient education, has made her an exceptional caregiver. Her experience with pediatric patients has taught her to be understanding, to listen actively, and to anticipate the needs of both patients and their families.

One memorable experience that illustrates Melissa’s dedication involves a breakthrough moment with her current patient. After a month of working tirelessly with the patient and their family, the child achieved a significant milestone. “We screamed so loud and were so happy that we couldn’t stop making him do the task over and over,” Melissa recalls. This joy and sense of accomplishment exemplify the profound impact she has on her patients’ lives.

As she continues her journey with MGA Homecare, Melissa is focused on maintaining the high standard of care she provides to her patients. She hopes to continue making a difference, one patient at a time, in the coming year.

Melissa’s advice to aspiring nurses is simple yet profound: “If you aren’t in nursing for the right reasons, then it’s not going to be easy for you, and you won’t like it nearly as much.” Her passion, commitment, and love for her profession are evident in everything she does, making her a true role model in the field of nursing.

Join us in congratulating Melissa Cowles, MGA Homecare’s Caregiver of the Year 2023, and celebrating her remarkable achievements and unwavering dedication to her patients.