lisa hopp, ot of the quarter
MGA Awards

Lisa Hopp, Therapist of the Quarter, Denver

Lisa Hopp, OT/L has seen and experienced all sides of Occupational Therapy. From working in outpatient orthopedics (adult and pediatrics) to working for a public school system with birth to high-school-aged kids, to adult home health, Lisa now knows what she loves the best—working with babies.

“When I first found MGA, I wasn’t aware pediatric home care was an option in the Denver Metropolitan area,” Lisa explains. She first worked with children in a children’s hospital when she experienced the incredible connections she could make with families.

“When the babies I work with see me, they get so excited,” says Lisa. “One baby has a special scream that is just for me,” she says. Babies have a lot to work on – even though they think they are playing during their time with her.

“We work on achieving developmental milestones,, strength, and muscle control,” she says. “They are working hard, but they think they are playing.” Trunk muscle development, head control, and bearing weight on the arms are all foundational building blocks for crawling or sitting up independently.

Lisa knew from a young age she wanted to be an Occupational Therapist. Her mom, a nurse, worked on the same floor as the OT department. And when Lisa would visit her mom at work, she saw them in action. Lisa went to Creighton University and became part of its second graduating Occupational Therapy class.

Because of Lisa’s vast experience, she can also communicate clearly and easily with client families. “I use a combination of a coaching method with a hands-on approach,” she says. She explains that she likes to see what parents naturally do on their own and encourages them for the next step. “I do show them specific movements, but I respect all the hard work they do every day. It is important that parents are confident when they work with their kids,” she explains.

It’s because of MGA’s support that Lisa can shine truly. From technical support with computer issues to scheduling requests, Lisa never feels alone, she says. “With MGA, I feel more of a connection with other therapists on my team,” she explains. “Every step of the way, I’m able to do what I do best because of the support  I get from MGA.”


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